Points Assignment

Earn points when you perform specific actions.
Remove photo album
Deduct points when you remove a photo album.
Recipients: 67
Tag items on a photo
Earn points when you tag someone or an item in a photo.
Recipients: 2
Remove tagged items on a photo
Deduct points when you remove a tag on a photo.
Recipients: 0
Like a photo
Earn points when you like a photo.
Recipients: 262
Unlike a photo
Deduct points when you unlike a photo.
Recipients: 29
Comment on a photo
Earn points when you comment on a photo.
Recipients: 169
Comment removed from a photo
Deduct points when your comment is removed from a photo.
Recipients: 2
Update your privacy
Points will be given when you update your privacy settings.
Recipients: 211
Updates profile
Points will be given when you update your profile.
Recipients: 1410
Update your avatar
Points will be given once when you update your avatar to replace the default avatar.
Recipients: 7486
Follow another user on the site
Earn points when you follow other users on the site
Recipients: 528
Unfollow user on the site
Demote points when you unfollow other users on the site
Recipients: 115
Being followed by another user on the site
Earn points when your profile is being followed by another user on the site.
Recipients: 1433
Unfollowed by users who were following your profile
Deduct points when your existing followers unfollow your profile.
Recipients: 190
Report an item
Points will be given when you help to moderate contents on the site by reporting on items.
Recipients: 90
Report Removed
Points will be deducted when your report has been deleted.
Recipients: 29
Post a new update
Earn points when you post a new update.
Recipients: 868
User registers on the site
Earn points when you register on this site.
Recipients: 10247
Add Polls
Earn points when user added new poll.
Recipients: 1
Remove Polls
Points will be deducted when poll is deleted from the site.
Recipients: 0
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