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In Short

About me:
Hello prospective family,

please, may I introduce myself. My name is Sona. I'm 21 years old and come frome the Slovak Republic. My reason for becoming an au-pair is to improve my English, which I studied at school and use at work and with my little English friends, who I look after on a part-time basis for an international family, where their mother is Slovak and their father is from Newcastle, in the United Kingdom. My sister has also become a mother recently. Her little girl is just five months old. This is the first time in my life I´ve experienced caring for a newborn baby. I came on Uk in January 2010. I care here about 2 children

I would like to find a pleaseant, friendly family who will allow me to become a part of it. I´m willing to do anything in my power to keep the children happy, occupied and satisfied. I´m like many other young girls - I enjoy music, travelling, sports and being around friendly people. I also love children. My ultimate goal in life is to improve my English to a satisfactory level, so that I can discover more of the world.

Please give my application your utmost attention.

With my sincerest and kindest regard.


My Interest and Activities



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