
UK & pes

  Thursday, 12 January 2006
  6 Replies
  1.7K Visits
muze mi nekdo poradit, jak je to se vstupem do Anglie se psem plemene Pitbull? je nejake omezeni mimo beznych EU procedur (EU-pas, seriologicke vzsetreni, atd...)? v historii dokumentu EU jsem nasel zaznam o zakazu vstupu plemen Akita a Pitbull na uzemi UK. dik
18 years ago
tak tohle je \"numero uno\". diky moc za odpoved

PS.: akorat bych toho troubu, co vymyslel to deleni zvirat, seznamil rad s mym non-dangerous rotwajlerem :laugh:
18 years ago
Jeste dovetek ;) hodne informaci a v cestine na toto tema je tady :<br><br>Post edited by: dc006, at: 2006/04/11 23:33
18 years ago
Tak jestli se mohu pridat ,ta druha odpoved byla naprosto bez chyby, tak to je, jen je tam jeste jedna vec,pes musi byt doma osetren v tomto poradi: prvne zacipovany, zadruhe naockovany proti vztekline ,a pote odber krve na seriologicke vysetreni a pak 6 mesicu prodleva jestlize jsou vysledky v pohode.Jinak to muze byt ve stejnem dni ale v tomto poradi pokud to nebude pujde pes do karanteny,za kterou platis tech 6 mesicu.Dalsi vec je ze musi letet to zvire jako kargo z Prahy do Heathrow,na jine letiste to nejde,je to tkz.Approved route.Hodne informaci najdes na strankach DEFRA :
Jinak pocitej s tim ze prevoz te bude stat tak 5krat vic nez tva vlastni letenka.Jo a mam pocit ze na pitbulla se vztahuje zakaz dovozu tak jako na vsechny bojove rasy bez vyjimky.Muzou ti ho utratit,viz. dole .Ja jsem vezl americkeho kokra takze ten byl v poho jen mne jeji prevoz stal 10000Kc + 7000Kc z Ostravy :)

Section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 prohibits four types of dog:

the Pit Bull Terrier
the Japanese tosa
the Dogo Argentino
the Fila Brasileiro

It is an offence to own or keep any of the above types of dog, unless it is on the Index of Exempted Dogs and is in compliance with the requirements. In any event it is an offence to breed from, sell or exchange (even as a gift) such a dog, irrespective of whether it has been placed on the Index of Exempted Dogs. Page 3 of Annex A provides further details about the Index.

It is important to note that, in the UK, dangerous dogs are classified by “type”, not by breed label. This means that whether a dog is considered dangerous, and therefore prohibited, will depend on a judgment about its physical characteristics, and whether they match the description of a prohibited 'type'. This assessment of the physical characteristics is made by a court. A leaflet providing guidance on the physical characteristics that a court would consider in reaching its judgement can be found below.

The 1991 Act was amended by the Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997. The 1997 Act removed the mandatory destruction order provisions of the 1991 Act by giving the courts discretion on sentencing, and re-opened the Index of Exempted Dogs for those prohibited dogs which the courts consider would not pose a risk to the public. Only courts can direct that a dog can be placed on the list of exempted dogs.

Section 3 of the 1991 Act created a new offence of being an owner of a dog of any type or breed which is dangerously out of control in a public place or a non-public place in which it is not permitted to be.
18 years ago
souhlas, prvni odpoved je ponekud zastarala. druha je skoro bez chyby, nevim jak tomu rikaji anglicani, ale u nas se to nazyva seriologicke vysetreni a provadi se za ucelem zjisteni dostatecneho mnozstvi protilatek v krvi. takze i pokud je vysetreni hotovo, neni zaruka ze zvire odpovida kriteriim pozadovanym GB. nicmene puvodni otazka byla zamerena na omezeni ohledne rasy. kazdopadne dik a sMejte se
18 years ago
S tou karantenou to neni uz uplne pravda.
Vzhledem k tomu ze jsme v EU stejne tak jako Anglie, je mozne si dovest domaciho mazlicka.
Samozrejme ze jsou jista omezeni a podminky ktere musi zvire splnovat.
Predevsim musi mit Chip, pas zvirete a veskera ockovani (toto vse vam zaridi veterinar u Vas ve meste)
Dale musite nechat udelat krevni test (blood test) kterym se zjistuje dostecne mnozstvi protilatek proti vztekline v krvi.
Tento krevni test dela jedina veterinarni stanice a to nekde v Liberci. Kontaktujte sveho veterinare k zajisteni tohoto testu. Doporucuje se psa ockovat alespon dvakrat proti vztekline pred timto testem.
Pote co obdrzite vysledky testu a jsou v poradku, tak musite cekat 6 mesicu, predtim, nez psa muzete privest do Velke Britanie!
Kolem tohoto tematu je jeste par detailu o kterych by jste mneli vedet. V redakci chystame clanek na toto tema, kde uvedem vsechny dostupne zdroje k cerpani potrebnych informaci ;)


18 years ago
bohuzel, do Velke Britanie je zakaz dovozu jakykoliv zvirat... pokud ale jen chces, tvuj pes bude 6 mesicu v karantene, budes muset zaplatit asi okolo 2-5000 liber za poplatky + za to ze se o nej bude nekdo tech 6 mesicu starat..
jestli si v cechach, tak se zeptej na britsky ambasade nebo tady najdes vice informaci
good luck

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